The Shoulder
A Christian Twelve-Step Treatment Center

The Shoulder is a private, nonprofit, Christian drug and alcohol treatment center that opened in April of 1988.

The Shoulder offers several residential and non-residential treatment programs for adult men wishing to recover from their addiction to drugs and/or alcohol.

The Shoulder is certified by the Alabama Department of Mental Health. All of our counselors are certified, and our standards are among the highest in the treatment field.

The Shoulder follows the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous for recovery from both alcohol and drug addictions. If possible, potential clients are encouraged to begin attending a Twelve Step meeting in their community prior to entering The Shoulder.

The Shoulder includes a weekly family night meeting as an integral part of our program. Family night is every Wednesday from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. We strongly encourage family members to attend Family Night as one of the best ways to support their loved ones in treatment. This also helps family members understand addiction and how they can be the most helpful to their significant other.

The Shoulder also offers a Community Codependency Group open to anyone who suffers from someone else's addiction problems. Family members can also begin helping their loved ones today by attending community Al-Anon Family Groups and Co-Dependents Anonymous meetings.

The Shoulder emphasizes the spiritual dimension of recovery. The Shoulder focuses on recovery as a process of restoring the broken harmony of the mind, body and spirit that exists in people with addictive problems.

The Shoulder helps those who are lost in addiction find their way back to life and health through lasting sobriety.

The Shoulder
4700 Roper Ln
Daphne AL 36526
Tel: 251 626-2199
Fax: 251 626-2388
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